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"Metalove" meetings

Active participation in the arrival mission of entrepreneurs from various European countries gave me the opportunity to present the Starpol company during their study visit. It was an initiative of the Investor and Exporters Service Center from the Kielce Department of Regional Policy. Participants visited only 4 plants in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. That's why I'm happy that I was able to invite and welcome them to Starpol, as well as to present opportunities for cooperation.

The second day was equally interesting in the form of a conference organized in the Senator hotel. Many interesting tips on the specifics of cooperation on foreign markets, not only European ones, will allow me to improve promotional activities. In addition, I had the pleasure to take part in a discussion panel with foreign representatives, and at the end in B2B meetings.

A very interesting form of cooperation between entrepreneurs and representatives of regional institutions, who organized an arrival mission for foreign partners, invited entrepreneurs from the Świętokrzyskie Province to participate.

The possibility of meeting a group of 19 foreign businessmen in one place close to our facilities, interested in cooperation, makes this form highly effective.

visit in Starpoldiscussion panel


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